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Mac 10 vs Mac 11

The up-to-date version of MacOS X is 10.14 known as Mojave. For the first time in 2001, Mac OS X 10.0 Cheetah operating system has been released officially. MacOS 10.4 was named Tiger and it was first to run on Intel processors and introduced spotlight. MacOS 10.5 known as Leopard was the last one to operate on PPC hardware. In Leopard, the time machine function was presented for the first time. MacOS 10.6 named as Snow Leopard introduced the app store and was the first to run Intel processors.

Mac OS X 10.7 was named Lion and was first one to be able to download from the app store. This version is unavailable on compact disk. It was the endmost version to support Inter machines with 32 bit and introduced iCloud. The first version to fully operate on 64 bit was Mountain Lion. ICloud documents, notifications and Reminder apps were introduced in macOS 10.8. MacOS X 10.9 named Mavericks was the foremost free edition and the first one to stop the cat naming series of all prior versions. Mavericks introduced iCloud keychains, iBooks and Map apps.

MacOS X 10.10 was named as Yosemite and restructured to shape more like iOS, more information in notification center, new and enhanced spotlight. Presented the MailDrop with 5 GB mail attachment allowed through email. OS X 10.11 Capitan was introduced with a new font scheme, San Francisco. Supports split view mode and allow to cursor appears larger when mouse moved quickly. MacOS 10.12 was named as Sierra and it was first edition of the operating system noticeable for its big rebranding as macOS. The name OS X was entirely removed from its names.

MacOS 10.13 called High Sierra comes up with an innovative file structure and improved graphics. It provides safari privacy protection and website customization. MacOS 10.14 named as Mojave is the latest version till now. It offers continuity camera, dark theme, lively desktops, desktops stacks, screenshot markup, and improved safari security.

What to expect in upcoming version of macOS?

Definitely, you are expecting improved and new features in upcoming edition of macOS. What can be the name of upcoming macOS edition? If we see the names of previous versions, it is suggest that the term can be macOS 10.15. There are other options too. It is possible that Apple decides to move on completely from macOS 10 to macOS 11.

Whatever the name will be one thing which we do know is that the coming version should bring with unification and merging of masOS and iOS. We got this idea as Apple already confirmed that in 2019 it would be easy to port apps between macOS and iOS 13.

The next version of macOS will be revealed at WWDC in June 2019. We have not exact information and idea about its new features but Apple is working on new universal app features which were first used in macOS 10.14 and will grow to developers in macOS 11 or 10.15. Developers at Apple are designing a unique app that will be able to work with both touchscreen and mouse and trackpad depending on whether it is working on macOS or iOS.

Mojave is the last version of macOS which is able to operate on 32 bit as the Apple has started giving warnings to the apps running on 32 bit in Mojave. It is expected from Apple that it will completely remove support for 32-bit apps in its coming version. It means that the apps which are older and unable to update in a while will not be able to run on macOS 10.15 or macOS 11.  

Apple will improve both macOS 10.15 and iOS 13 to introduce further common structures between the two operating systems. Expect to have iOS styled apps in the mac after the release of macOS 11 or 10.15.


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